General info

ORP (Offline Raid Protection) :

- Active Sunday Night EST-Friday Morning EST

- Kicks in 2 hours after last tribemate logs off.

- NO ORP Friday Afternoon EST-Sunday Night EST

Harvesting - 25x

Breeding - Fast mating and raising

XP - 25x

Taming - Instant

4 man tribe and Duo tribe PvP maps clustered.

4 man PvE Amissa Map for FUN and RELAXATION (NOT clustered with PvP)

Tons of Custom Caves!

In Game Shop - Starter Kits, item packages, dinos, etc

Access the shop in game by pressing F1 on PC, holding X on Xbox or Square for PlayStation and select the shop.

Earning In-Game Shop Points - Everyone starts with 100 points! Points are automatically given every hour to online players. Gain points just being loaded on the Radiant Servers! Points will be 100 per hour at wipe, and increase throughout the season so people joining late can catch up! Day 1 of wipe: 100 points per hour. 2 weeks: 200 points per hour. 4 weeks: 300 points per hour. 6 weeks: 400 points per hour. DOUBLE POINT WEEKENDS!

When did the server wipe? - The server wipes February 15th! We typically wipe every 2-4 months!

Mod List

Click Icons For More Information


White: Starter armor, tools, and taming supplies

White Ring: Same as above but has more.

Green: Kibble & consumables. nanny, taming supplies.

Green Ring: Same as above, chibis.

Blue: Boss tributes and artifacts

Blue Ring: Tributes and artifacts, and chibis

Purple: Saddles (small chance for BP), black pearls

Purple Ring: Saddle BPs

Yellow: Ammo, a few metal and base structures, weapons (small BP chance)

Yellow Ring: Weapon BPs

Red: Flak and Raid Gear

Red Ring: Same as above with chance for BP